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Pop-up greeting card

Selling out of a batch production product based on a local landmark.

This project involved a collection of artists creating greeting cards for @Bristol (now called We The Curious) that would be sold in the gift shop. With all the artists sticking to 2D in one form or another, I wanted to challenge myself and see if I could create something a little more eye-catching. This is where the idea to create a pop-up came from.

Whilst I have always had an affinity for pop-ups, this would be the first professional project I would work on that involved them. So after much research, I decided that the most interesting subject that I could put lots of detail into would be the iconic bristol dockland cranes that would be a two-minute walk from the venue where the cards would be available.

Making something tall means that I could put it at the top of the page and take full advantage of the vertical hight that can be created from that position. In addition to that, the geometrical nature of the crane made it easy to turn into the folds of paper in the pop-up.

Once I had designed how to put it together, there was a lot of cutting out, folding and gluing as I made as many as possible before the greeting cards hit the shelves. A few different sizes were made with the smallest ones requiring a magnifying glass and tweezers to manufacture. Once these were added to the shop, they all sold out within the first week.

following this project I realised I had a love for solving problems. Specificly making an interesting and complex design function where the user is only required to add minimal effort to enjoy it, in this case only having to open a card. I was asked to build an installation after this thanks to the fact that this product sold out, you can check that project out here.

Project Gallery

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